Marketing Instruments
Totally free Marketing Instruments for your site

Using our Marketing Instruments, you can quickly concentrate on your web site’s worldwide recognition right from the Website Control Panel. With the Sitemap Generator you can get a detailed sitemap for your website in no time. You are able to submit the sitemap to the major search engines so that they can crawl your site in the shortest time. At the same time, via the RSS News syndication software, you could deploy frequently updated publications on your web site, which is actually a promise for better ranking positions with major search engines. The GeoIP redirection application will assist you to direct site visitors from a particular place to a specific language variation of your website for more precise marketing outcomes.
A Sitemap Generator
Generate a sitemap with all of your webpages a click of the mouse
The easiest way to get your newly introduced website listed in the major search engines is to publish a sitemap. The sitemap lists all the web pages within your web site and by submitting it to a search engine, you tell it you’d like to have those pages to get listed in a timely manner. Sitemaps are usually built by third–party tools. Nevertheless, with us, it is not necessary to move from your Website Control Panel. Our own in–house developed Sitemap Generator is integrated into the Advanced Applications area and is going to generate a sitemap for you with a click of the mouse.
All you need to do is pick the maximum quantity of pages you prefer to be crawled, the depth of the crawled links and the format of the sitemap document.
GeoIP Redirection
Location–driven redirections with just a click
Excellent Value Hosting will provide you with a simple way to route website visitors according to physical location. Via the GeoIP redirection tool, you can re–direct all visitors who arrive from a certain country to a native language version of your website. For example, if you’ve got an Italian translation of your site, you can quickly send all the site visitors coming from Italy to that webpage instead of asking to switch to Italian when they open the English version. This will help you supply your site visitors with a natural on–site stay from the beginning.
It is not necessary for any special abilities or computer expertise to employ the GeoIP re–direction application. Everything is done with only a click.
RSS News
Present the latest publications on your site
In the Excellent Value Hosting Website Control Panel, we have bundled an instrument, which allows you to add information from the most well–known media sites worldwide inside your websites, with just a click. Our News Syndication application functions automatically and will not need any additional configuration work on your part,
The RSS News Syndication component is easy to customize with regards to HTML and CSS. You could customize the actual number of publication bits that will be showcased, the way they will look like, how they will be formatted, and so on.